Tingting HAN írta:
Dear Officer,
I want to run two .py files to generate .h5 files.
hantingt...@tityro:~$ <mailto:hantingt...@tityro:%7E$> python2.5
Python 2.5.4 (r254:67916, Jan 20 2010, 21:43:02)
[GCC 4.4.1] on linux2
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When ruuning gentest_sphere.py, the problem is as following: hantingt...@tityro:~/Downloads/triMC3D/python$ <mailto:hantingt...@tityro:%7E/Downloads/triMC3D/python$> python2.5 gentest_sphere.py gsphere.h5
Usage: gentest_sphere.pynEl Testfile.h5
        n:      number of elements
hantingt...@tityro:~/Downloads/triMC3D/python$ <mailto:hantingt...@tityro:%7E/Downloads/triMC3D/python$> I guess I should write the command in the format of usage, but I don't know how to do it. When ruuning test_detector.py, the problem is as following: hantingt...@tityro:~/Downloads/triMC3D/python$ <mailto:hantingt...@tityro:%7E/Downloads/triMC3D/python$> python2.5 test_detector.py tdetector.h5
lamb =  None
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "test_detector.py", line 600, in <module>
  File "test_detector.py", line 567, in main
    hdf5.subs_lamb( materials, lamb )
File "/home/hantingting/Downloads/triMC3D/python/local_modules/hdf5.py", line 703, in subs_lamb
    m.mu_s = m.mu_s(l)
File "/home/hantingting/Downloads/triMC3D/python/local_modules/matslib.py", line 71, in <lambda> [1550.0,1460.0,1360.0,1300.0,1240.0,1220.0,1220.0,1200.0,1160.0], s=300 )) File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/scipy/interpolate/fitpack.py", line 485, in splev
TypeError: array cannot be safely cast to required type
hantingt...@tityro:~/Downloads/triMC3D/python$ <mailto:hantingt...@tityro:%7E/Downloads/triMC3D/python$> python2.5 test_detector.py
usage: test_detector.py outputfile.h5 [options]
    -c  Cage Material
    -e  External Material
    -i  Internal Material
    -l  Lambda
    -o  Output String
    -s  Source Number
    -h  Shows this help
hantingt...@tityro:~/Downloads/triMC3D/python$ <mailto:hantingt...@tityro:%7E/Downloads/triMC3D/python$> Could you please give me some advice to solve these two problems? I sincerely apologize that I am new for python.
Did you try this:

1.) replace the first line of gentest_sphere.py to "#!/usr/bin/python2.5" (or your path to python2.5)
2.) "chmod +x gentest_sphere.py"
3.) run this: "./gentest_sphere.py gsphere.h5" (instead of "python2.5 ./gentest_sphere.py gsphere.h5"

It may not help. But... suspicious. You used the advertised command line. The program may have a bug. E.g. it uses sys.argv the incorrect way.




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