In article <4be132f1$0$20639$>,
Bruno Desthuilliers  <bruno.42.desthuilli...@websiteburo.invalid> wrote:
>The more bad code (mine or not) I have to maintain (or even just read 
>and understand), the more I pay attention to my own design and code 
>quality. Sometimes you only understand why something is bad, why it is 
>bad and how bad it is when you have to deal with it :(

...and sometimes it takes several months of living with bad code to
really understand how to rewrite it.  I'm currently rewriting a chunk of
bad code that merges three datasources.  If I had done the rewriting
five months ago (when I first started feeling that I understood the
codebase well enough to do the job), I would not be doing the complete
rewrite that I'm currently doing, which would have led to suboptimal
code lasting longer.
Aahz (           <*>

"It is easier to optimize correct code than to correct optimized code."
--Bill Harlan

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