With a normal dictionary, I can specify a default fallback value in the event the requested key isn't present:

  d = {}
  print d.get(42, 'Some default goes here')

However, with the ConfigParser object, there doesn't seem to be any way to do a similar

  cp = ConfigParser(...)
  # ...
  print cp.get('MySection', 'MyValue', 'Some default goes here')

that, in the event either "MySection" doesn't exist in the config file, or "MyValue" doesn't exist within "MySection", it simply & quietly returns my default. At the moment, I have to mimic this with

    val = cp.get('MySection', 'MyValue')
  except (NoSectionError, NoOptionError), e:
    val = 'Some default goes here'
  print val

which is a real pain when you have multiple options, some using various combinations of get(), getboolean(), getint(), or getfloat(). Yes, I can write some cheap wrappers to do these, but it feels like something that should be built-in.

I've played with the DEFAULT, but that seems to just create its own section that I have to *ask* for:

  cp.get('DEFAULT', 'MyValue')

I've thumbed through the source to ConfigParser.py but don't see any indication that it's possible to do what I'd like short of wrapping all my cp.get*() calls in try/except blocks or creating a forked version of ConfigParser.py locally. Is there anything I'm missing, or a better workaround to this?




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