On May 10, 1:29 pm, Phlip <phlip2...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Pythonistas:
> I have a question to epydoc-devel, but it might be languishing:
> http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?thread_name=l2n860c114f1...
> How do you populate the index.html output with your (insanely clever)
> contents of your README file?
> When I try the obvious notations, such as --top=README or --
> top=README.html, I get:
> Warning: Identifier 'README' looks suspicious; using it anyway.
> Warning: Could not find top page 'README'; using module-tree.html
> instead
> And, yes, the README is included in the input list, and yes I get a
> script-README-module.html
> ----8<------------------------------------------
> The question for the rest of Python-Land: Should I be using a better
> documentation extractor? (pydoc is too mundane so far.) Or should I be
> using a better forum for epydoc users questions?

Regardless of the advocacy, does anyone have an actual answer for

> --
>   yes-I-know-topicality-ly-yrs
>   Phlip
>  http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?ZeekLand


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