cerr wrote:
Hi There,

I got following code:
print 'warnTimeout '+str(WarnTimeout)
print 'critTimeout '+str(CritTimeout)
print 'start',str(start)
while wait:
    passed =  time.time()-start
    print 'passed ',str(passed)
    if passed >= WarnTimeout:
      print ' Warning!'
which basically means that the loops should go until the warning time
has been reached and then i want it to print 'warning!' and execute
some warning code. But weirdly enough i get following screen output:
warnTimeout 3
critTimeout 5
start 1273882010.43
passed  7.60555267334e-05
passed  0.998471975327
passed  1.99847102165
passed  2.9984691143
passed  3.99847006798
passed  4.998472929
any one a clue why after 3 seconds it doesn't go into the the if an
print 'Warning!'? That's odd... :o Crazy, what am i not seeing? :(

we're not seeing all the relevant code. While I can ignore the missing import, I don't see any creation of the variables WarnTimeout and CritTimeout. Simplest explanation that fits your sample run is that they are not of type float.



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