On Fri, 21 May 2010 08:02:30 +1000, John McMonagle
<jmcmona...@no.spam.velseis.com.au> wrote:

>s...@home.com wrote:
>> I have made the modifications and it does print inside the listbox,
>> however they are all  printed on the same line. 
>Sorry, I didn't realize askopenfilenames returned the filenames as a
>whitespace separated string, on my system they are returned as a tuple
>of strings.
>> My files are named Name.0 Name.1 Name.2 Name.3 etc so I would like
>> them to be printed sorted on a separate line. When I did a 
>> type(fileNames) it showed me that it was in unicode and printed
>> character per line, so I tried it this way
>> listFileNames = str(fileNames).split(' ')
>> for fileName in listFileNames:
>>      self.lbox.insert(0, fileName)
>> it works but does not print sorted.
>> it prints
>> name.2
>> name.1
>> name.0
>> name.3
>You obviously need to sort the list before you loop over the items and
>add them to your listbox.
>listFileNames = sorted(str(filenames).split()

Thank you, it worked 

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