On May 28, 3:23 pm, Stefan Behnel <stefan...@behnel.de> wrote:
> kak...@gmail.com, 28.05.2010 13:50:
> > Hi in the following code
> > class MyClientHandler(SocketServer.BaseRequestHandler):
> >      def handle(self):
> >          print self.client_address, now( )
> >          time.sleep(5)
> >          while True:
> >              xmltxt = self.request.recv(1024)<--is this ok -
> > enough?
> Depends. If your messages are never larger than 1K, this is enough.
> Otherwise, you have to collect the data, instead of parsing each chunk
> separately.
> I suggest using the incremental parser in xml.etree.ElementTree, which
> allows you to push more data into the parser as it comes in. When done,
> call it's .close() method to retrieve the result.
> http://docs.python.org/library/xml.etree.elementtree.html#xmltreebuil...
> > I want to send XML messages from my client. The server sends back the
> > XML it receives but the parser exits with error codes.
> You should also rethink your approach one more time. Are you sure that a
> raw socket is a good protocol for sending your messages? In many cases, a
> proper higher-level transport protocol like HTTP is much better suited. If
> you provide more details about what you are trying to do, others may be
> able to help you further.
> Stefan

Stefan first of all thank you for your response.
I don't want anything fancy. Just a simple server that accepts xml
messages from multple clients in xml,
parses the XML and show it in a console.

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