I definitvely vote for adding such a package to the stdlib (or at least a
symilar publish/subscrive and observer implementation). It's useful in a
wide range of programs.

2010/6/2 Carl Banks <pavlovevide...@gmail.com>

> On May 26, 4:26 am, Tom <tom.brow...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I vote for adding the Python package "pubsub" to the Python standard
> > library.  It has recently been added to wxpython (replacing the old
> > wx.lib.pubsub package), but it has application to non-gui programs as
> > well.
> Well, I can definitely see a case for adding something like this to
> the standard library.  If there is a standard publish-subscribe
> implementation, then different third-party packages can use it in a
> consistent way together.  It can open whole paradigms of package
> integration.
> However, I'm not sure this particular library is the one to use, and I
> would not be in favor of throwing the first publish-subscribe
> implentation that comes by into the standard library, at least not
> without a whole lot of vetting first.  (They did that with optparse
> and the Python community has been paying for it ever since.)
> I think it has a pretty good chance of being accepted, too.  The
> publish-subscribe pattern, if you will, seems to have been implemented
> separately in many places.  The logging module in the standard library
> uses something like this.  Qt's signal/slot mechanism is another
> variation.  I'm sure there's lots more.  I've noticed that pointing
> out lots of independetnly crafted examples in the wild, and especially
> in the standard library, works quite well.
> Carl Banks
> --
> http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list

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