On Thu, 3 Jun 2010 03:16:03 -0700 (PDT) Pierre Quentel
<quentel.pie...@wanadoo.fr> wrote:

> So the OP's initiative should be an incentive to think on the format
> of the interaction between all the range of Python users, from newbees
> to gurus. We are in the 2.0 era, with social networks all over the
> place using a pleasant interface, while c.l.p has a rather austere
> look and feel, with text only, no way to present code snippets in a
> different font / background than discussions, and even an unintuitive
> way of entering links...

I don't really have a well founded opinion on this yet, so I'm just
throwing it out  there: From the moment I first heard about it, I've
always felt that Wave (that Google thing nobody cares about anymore)
was a perfect "replacement" for the lot of newsgroups, forums and
mailing lists.

But consolidation is the *only* way to go, really. The parallelism
between c.l.p. and python-list is great already. Now throw some sort of
Forum in the mix, and a Wave server, and you're set. Should be easy
enough with Python. "import pycommunity" anyone?




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