On Sunday 15 May 2005 06:17 pm, "Rolland" <rolland1 wrote:
> "Johnny Gentile" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > .
> ?

Another instance of the extremely clever low content body email, AKA the LCBE. 
Let us bask in the cleverness, shall we? Boy that's clever! I can't get over 
how clever that is. Let's all just simultaneously acknowledge that the the 
author of the LCBE has proved his vast intellectual superiority by omitting 
content from the body, leaving others to wonder exactly what he meant. To the 
LCBE author, these people should wonder, as they are not smart enough to know 
that he really meant nothing except to make people wonder. Very Clever! What 
is even more clever is that the author of the LCBE is now making hundreds of 
people make a "Johnny Gentile" filter. Wow, I'm so impressed with this level 
of cleverness. Now, if the LCBE author will go take a crap on some canvas, we 
can call it art. How clever, indeed! Clever, clever, clever, clever, clever. 

(And Stupid.)

Dear LCBE author, please go fuck yourself.


James Stroud
UCLA-DOE Institute for Genomics and Proteomics
Box 951570
Los Angeles, CA 90095


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