On Mon, 7 Jun 2010 08:22:07 -0700 (PDT), AlienBaby
> Hi,
> I'm just starting to get to grips with PyQt, and I'm having a bit of
> trouble connecting slots / signals, or understanding how I should do
> so to achieve what I am after.
> I am trying to write an application that will display a sequence of
> dialogs, with back / next / cancel buttons to step through the
> dialogs. Each dialog will capture user input, ask the user to browse
> for a file, present some radio-buttons for a selection etc..
> I've put the dialogs together in Designer, and I come to startup the
> app with a small piece of python code, create an instance of each
> dialog, and then connect up the buttons to any methods needed to
> control the movement through the dialogs etc.
> I'm having a brain-freeze though, and just can't figure out what I
> should be doing next, or the best approach to take.
> for example, Currently I am thinking I would need to connect the
> clicked() signal of the Next button on dialog 1 to a method say,
> 'dialog1Next' that would then hide dialog1 and show dialog2.  I would
> then need to connect Dialog 2's clicked() signal of its next button to
> a method called 'dialog2Next' that hides dialog2 and shows dialog3
> etc...
> I would also, for example,  need methods for dialog2Back,
> dialog2cancel, dialog1cancel etc..
> I'm having trouble figuring out how to setup the connections, and
> where the slot-methods should live..
> I have this so far;
> from PyQt4 import QtCore, QtGui
> from WELCOME import Ui_Dialog as welcomeDialog
> from SOURCE_TYPE_SELECT import Ui_Dialog as sourceTypeSelectDialog
> from SOURCE_TYPE_CONFIRMATION import Ui_Dialog as
> sourceTypeConfirmationDialog
> from ACCEPT_EULA import Ui_Dialog as acceptEulaDialog
> from CONFIRM_REQUIREMENTS import Ui_Dialog as
> confirmRequirementsDialog
> from SOURCE_BINARY_LOCATE import Ui_Dialog as sourceBinaryLocateDialog
> from SOURCE_BINARY_PROBLEMS import Ui_Dialog as
> sourceBinaryProblemsDialog
> from OUTFILE_LOCATE import Ui_Dialog as outfileLocateDialog
> from OUTFILE_PROBLEMS import Ui_Dialog as outfileProblemsDialog
> from COLLECTION_PROGRESS import Ui_Dialog as collectionProgressDialog
> from OUTFILE_LOCATION import Ui_Dialog as outfileLocationDialog
> class StartQT4(QtGui.QDialog):
>     def __init__(self, parent=None):
>         QtGui.QWidget.__init__(self, parent)
>         self.Welcome = welcomeDialog()
>         self.Welcome.setupUi(self)
>         self.SourceTypeSelect = sourceTypeSelectDialog()
>         self.SourceTypeConfirmation = sourceTypeConfirmationDialog()
>         self.AcceptEula = acceptEulaDialog()
>         self.ConfirmRequirements=confirmRequirementsDialog()
>         self.SourceBinaryLocate=sourceBinaryLocateDialog()
>         self.SourceBinaryProblems=sourceBinaryProblemsDialog()
>         self.OutfileLocate=outfileLocateDialog()
>         self.OutfileProbelms=outfileProblemsDialog()
>         self.CollectionProgress=collectionProgressDialog()
>         self.OutfileLocation=outfileLocationDialog
>         #Connect up next/back/cancel etc.. buttons
> ???     self.Welcome.connect(self.Welcome.welcomeNext,
> QtCore.SIGNAL("clicked()"),WelcomeNext)
> def WelcomeNext():
>         #Code here to hide Welcome dialog and show SourceTypeSelect
> dialog
> if __name__ == "__main__":
>       app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv)
>       myapp = StartQT4()
>       myapp.show()
>       sys.exit(app.exec_())
> My questions are, am I approaching this the right way, with a method
> per action per dialog to move through the dialogs, and just how do I
> setup the connections I need. I'm getting confused with scope etc. IE:
> if the connect is right, and WelcomeNext fires, how can it refer to
> myapp.SourceTypeSelect.show() or myapp.Welcome.hide()
> Any help much appreciated.

Sounds like you are trying to build a wizard the hard way.

Use Designer to create a QWizard with the contents of each of your dialogs
as a QWizardPage.


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