On 6/11/10 4:48 AM, Andreas Waldenburger wrote:
> I have a strong suspicion that Tkinter may be used a lot more than is
> made public (isn't anything?). I'm especially thinking about scientists
> who write special purpose data processing or control programs with
> basic GUIs. These things don't have to be pretty or anything and it is
> a HUGE advantage if you don't have to jump through any hoops to get it
> to run on different platforms.


Its used in a lot of in-house / internal things.

Another point: there's a not insignificant minority to whom 'just
download it' simply doesn't apply.

To replace tkinter would require a clea r upgrade path. Or a really,
really, really long deprecation period.


   Stephen Hansen
   ... me+list/python (AT) ixokai (DOT) io

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