I've got five pages of information linked to from here:


template systems
static web page generators
web app frameworks

It seems like many web app programmers and web authors know one
system, or possibly two, and so you don't often get good answers to
the questions like "which one should I choose?", and "what features
would make me choose one over the other?"  I suppose this is because
most people just have to use whatever their employer is using, and few
are in the enviable position of being able to choose.

Man, that is a lot of work.  And it just keeps growing; as I track
down web app frameworks, for example, I discover new templating
systems, and have to go back and update _that_ information, and then
have to figure out if the other web app frameworks support it, and it
also references some more templating languages as influencing it, and
it just goes on and on...

If I hadn't scrapped the idea of covering this for all languages, ruby
and PHP would have given a combinatorial explosion beyond all

For those who'd like to see such information overload, my initial
attempt at this is here:

A Weapon of Mass Construction
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