In article <>,
bolega  <> wrote:
>I am trying to compare LISP/Scheme/Python for their expressiveness.
>For this, I propose a vanilla C interpreter. I have seen a book which
>writes C interpreter in C.
>The criteria would be the small size and high readability of the code.
>Are there already answers anywhere ?
>How would a gury approach such a project ?

He would have his 10 year LISP sink in, meditate for 10 days and
start from scratch with a typical LISP approach.

He would have his 10 year Algol68 sink in, meditate for 10 days and
start from scratch with a typical Algol68 approach.
(Scheme is not different enough from LISP, to make this interesting.
Hey Scheme *is* a dialect of LISP.)

He would have his 10 year Python sink in, meditate for 10 days and
start from scratch with a typical Python approach.

Maybe he would code "one to throw away".

The outcome would be extremely interesting, but ...


Groetjes Albert

Economic growth -- being exponential -- ultimately falters.
alb...@spe&ar& &=n


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