On 14 jun, 13:19, Thales <thales....@gmail.com> wrote:
> Good morning,
> I need to convert some files from .doc to .pdf. I've googled it a
> little bit and all the solutions I've found used the OpenOffice API,
> but I can't use it.
> Anybody knows a library that I can use to do it?
> Thanks

What about using the win32 API and use the free  PDFCreator (http://
sourceforge.net/projects/pdfcreator/) PDF printer?

This should be very simple (code untested, but should be roughly OK):
- Instantiate MS/Word application
  >> from win32com.client import Dispatch
  >> app = Dispatch('Word.Application')
- Open your document
  >> doc = app.Documents.Open("demo.doc")
- Print to PDF
  >> app.ActivePrinter = "PDFCreator"
  >> app.PrintOut(....)

The PrintOut call is a little tricky. I normally try to decode and
guess the Python call from the corresponding VisualBasic code I record
with the macro recording facility. I know there are more sophisticated
methods out there, but I never tried them.



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