Ohh my bad...

thanks a lot for replying Alf..

The error which I've pasted above, was thrown before I modified the
code a bit..

Here's the error thrown on running the code I've pasted above..
there's not much of a difference in the error though.

HTTP Error 500: Internal Server Error
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "test_libgmail.py", line 40, in <module>
  File "test_libgmail.py", line 35, in ArchiveAll
  File "test_libgmail.py", line 28, in _archiveAndMarkRead
    ga._doThreadAction(ARCHIVE_ACTION, email)
  File "/home/3rdparty/test/libgmail/libgmail.py", line 670, in
    items = self._parsePage(_buildURL(**params))
  File "/home/3rdparty/test/libgmail/libgmail.py", line 384, in
    items = _parsePage(self._retrievePage(urlOrRequest))
  File "/home/3rdparty/test/libgmail/libgmail.py", line 99, in
    lines = pageContent.splitlines()
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'splitlines'

I tried to debug the issue here, when self._retrievePage(urlOrRequest)
is called (it is called internally in libgmail) a 500 internal server
error is thrown. And hence further processing on the response can not
be done.
I also caught the url which throws 500:

Now I don't know why 500 is thrown and on which side the exact problem
lies, i.e. the libgmail side or the gmail side.

And there's a email library provided in Python (supports both POP and
SMTP) but I dont know whether it allows us to archive mails or mark
them as read for that matter.

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