> On 06/17/2010 01:04 AM, Stephen Hansen wrote:
> > On 6/16/10 10:40 PM, madhuri vio wrote:
> >> if i want to create a button
> >> which performs the transcription of dna to rna
> >> using tkinter in a gui...
> >> can u give me the method...
> >
> > You can not possibly be serious.
> Oh, it's not that bad....
> ########[dna2rna.py]##########
> import Tkinter as tk
> root = tk.Tk()
> root.title("dna2rna")
> def translate():
>    from tkMessageBox import showinfo
>    showinfo("Translate",
>      "Do some translating here.\n"
>      "Maybe in another thread so the GUI doesn't stall."
>      )
>    # do your actual work here
> tk.Button(
>    root,
>    text="Translate!",
>    command=translate
>    ).pack()
> root.mainloop()
> ##############################
> Now all one needs to do is fill in the blanks in the Translate
> call to do the actual work...an exercise left for the
> professional in the field. ;-)   I suspect the GUI may need to be
> a bit more complex than that which might lead to wanting a more
> object-oriented code-base, but I leave that too as an exercise
> for the reader.
> -tkc

Seems like a simple problem... or am I missing something?

def translate():
   return "dna".replace("d", "r")




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