On Fri, 18 Jun 2010 00:20:30 +0100, bart.c wrote:

> The code is clearly trying to set only t[0][0] to 1, not t[1][0] and
> t[2][0] as well.

Trying to guess the motivation of the person writing code is tricky, but 
in this case, that's a reasonable assumption. I can't think of any reason 
why somebody would explicitly *want* that behaviour:

# Does it make sense to talk of anonymous aliases?
list_of_aliases = [[0]*2]*3
list_of_aliases[0][0] = 1
assert list_of_aliases[0][1] == 1

so it is a safe guess that anyone writing [[0]*2]*3 has probably made a 

However, I've certainly done something like this:

a = [0]*2
my_instance.items = a
a[0] = 1
assert my_instance.items[0] = 1

This is the same fundamental behaviour with the same cause: Python does 
not copy objects unless you explicitly tell it to.

I cheerfully accept that the behaviour of [[0]*2]*3 is a Gotcha, but it 
follows logically from Python's object model and assignment rules. If you 
are surprised by it, it just goes to show that your understanding of 
Python has at least one hole in it.

> This behaviour is quite scary actually, especially when t[0]=42 *does*
> work as expected, while t[0][0]=42 is apparently duplicated. It appears
> inconsistent.

Emphasis on the word "appears". It actually displays a deep consistency 
with the language fundamentals.

If you're ever interviewing somebody for a position as Python developer, 
this is a quick test to distinguish those who know the language from 
those who know the language *well*.

>> I'd be surprised if the multiplication operator was aware of object
>> constructors.  Even arrays are "objects" in Python.  Should the
>> multiplication operator know how to instantiate three arrays from a
>> single array instance?  What about an instance of a user-defined class?
> Multiplication operators shouldn't need to be directly aware of any such
> thing; it should just request that an object be duplicated without
> worrying about how it's done.

The multiplication operator is not a duplicator (copier). It is a 
*repetition* operator: repeat the object N times, not make N copies.

> I don't know how Python does things, 

Well there you go :)

> but an object should either specify
> a special way of duplicating itself, or lend itself to some standard way
> of doing so.

import copy

Dicts have a copy() method as a shortcut, and for lists you can use 

L = [1,2,3]
Lcopy = L[:]

> (So for a list, it's just a question of copying the data in
> the list, then recursively duplicating each new element..)

There's nothing "just" about that. Consider:

L = [1, 2]

How would you copy that?

The correct answer is:

x = copy.deepcopy(L)


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