On Mon, Jun 21, 2010 at 9:03 AM, Tim Chase <python.l...@tim.thechases.com>wrote:

> On 06/21/2010 07:40 AM, Victor Subervi wrote:
>> I would like to explore rewriting the shopping cart in Django.
>> The reality of the matter may make it difficult. Working
>> literally from the time I awake to when I go to sleep and not
>> having enough hours to complete everything I set for myself
>> makes it difficult,
> The reason for using a framework is because web development is hard work --
> the creators of these frameworks have gone before you doing much of the hard
> work so you can concentrate on your domain-specific tasks instead of the
> infrastructure.
> When you want to drive across the country, do you begin by procuring all
> the land in between and then paving your roads? No...you leave that to
> people who do infrastructure full-time (and with lots of experience in this
> area).  You just get in your car and drive to your destination (your
> domain-specific task) and let the professionals deal with the
> infrastructure.  That common infrastructure investment is then shared
> between many users with widely different destinations.
> So you may find that, by switching to a web framework, you actually end up
> *saving* time because you don't need to recreate all the work of building a
> framework.  Given that tens of thousands of development hours (by some very
> smart & very experienced people) have gone into some of the big-name
> frameworks such as Django, those are tens-of-thousands of hours that *you*
> don't have to spend.

I understand. Thank you.

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