En Tue, 22 Jun 2010 11:43:34 -0300, <pyt...@bdurham.com> escribió:

Python 2.6.5 (Win32): Is there a work around for ftplib's (and
ftputil's) apparent inability to support Unicode file names?

I'm thinking that I might be able to use the encodings.idna as a
work around for this?

According to RFC 2640, you should use UTF-8 instead.

One downside is that processes on the server will also have to
wrap directory access with a similar transformation. This
wouldn't be too complicated for Python programs, but I'm not sure
how convenient this would be for our PHP and shell scripters.
(Just checked: There's a PEAR module for PHP4/5; oddly enough
nothing pops up for .NET IDNA libraries)

The server software must be able to convert from file system encoding to utf-8 and viceversa; check its configuration.

Gabriel Genellina


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