On Thu, Jun 24, 2010 at 9:13 PM, Marcos <marcosruap...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I have a store, so I want to maximize the profit. I have all the
> suppliers with diferent prices, some providers can send products to a
> client an others not, this has a plus price. Some providers has a
> discount over the tansport if a quantity is reached.
> Sometimes its better to me receive the order and resend to the client
> if I have a transport discount.
> Not all the suppliers has all products for a order.
> So I want to create a function which I can pass the data, and
> generates all the possibilities so I can find the maximum profit.
> Have I to use heuristics? Do you know some examples?.
> Thanks in advance.

Depending on the exact constraints this may be a linear programming
problem (very simple) and even if it isn't there are likely to be good
approximation methods. With more information will come better

Geremy Condra

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