On Jun 22, 8:30 pm, small Pox <smallpox...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Jew Judges NEVER came out against the CRIMES of BUSH and CHENEY and
> LARRY    S I L V E R    S T E I N   -   The main player in 911
> Jews are coming out from the directions of Corporations, Mafias,
> Legislators, and now Judge to SUBVERT the UNITED STATES.
> Please listen to the Speech of Mr Benjamin H Freedman 
> onhttp://iamthewitness.com
> to see how they BLACKMAILED  President WOODROW WILSON to INSTALL a Jew
> Judge BRANDEIS in the SUPREME COURT - the FIRST one
> http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/gulf-oil-spill-disaster-judge-overrule...
> Judge Drills Hole in Deepwater Ban; Obama Promises Immediate Appeal
> Judge: Drilling Moratorium 'Cannot Justify' Effects on Local Economy
> WASHINGTON, June 22, 2010
>  A federal judge ruled today that the Interior Department had acted
> "arbitrarily" when it issued a six-month moratorium on all pending,
> current or approved drilling plans for new deepwater wells in the Gulf
> of Mexico   and Pacific Ocean  and agreed to lift the ban.
> Scientists believe oil is depleting water of oxygen, driving predators
> to shore.
> Judge Martin L.C. Feldman granted a preliminary injunction to Hornbeck
> Offshore Services to lift the moratorium, saying that the government
> "failed to cogently reflect the decision to issue a blanket, generic,
> indeed punitive, moratorium."
> The Administrative Procedure Act authorizes judges to review the
> actions of executive branch agencies only if the action is found to be
> "arbitrary, capricious, and abuse of discretion, or not otherwise in
> accordance with the law."
> Feldman said a report by Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar calling
> for the moratorium went too far and that he was "unable to divine or
> fathom a relationship between the findings and the immense scope of
> the moratorium."
> Recent disclosure documents indicate that Feldman, who was appointed
> to the bench by President Ronald Reagan, has had financial holdings in
> energy companies.
> The Department of Justice said it would immediately appeal the
> decision.
> On Jun 22, 2:38 pm, nanothermite911fbibustards
> - Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -
> <nanothermite911fbibusta...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > The FASCINATING Secret Relationship Between PROFLIGATE WHITES and
> > A fascinating relationship has existed between the PROFLIGATE WHITES
> > of the European continent and the MISLEADING and MANIPULATING JEWS
> > for more than a thousand years.
> > The understanding of the world history can never commence without a
> > focus on this historical point of view.
> > We will slowly slowly reveal parts of this comprehensive treatise.

US Senators Urge Obama To Stand By Israel

By Ma'an News

25 June, 2010
Ma'an News

Bethlehem – Ma’an – In a letter, 87 American senators told President
Barack Obama that the US "must continue" to stand with Israel. In a
senate of 100 members, the group of 87 represents a strong majority.

Declaring that Israel "faces multiple threats from Hamas in Gaza,
Hezbollah in Lebanon, and the current regime in Iran," the senators
outlined the importance of Israel as an ally to the US.

The letter commended the Obama administration for preventing the
adoption of a UN Security Council resolution calling for an
international probe into Israel’s deadly raid on an aid boat last
month which left nine civilians, including a US citizen, dead.

The senators cited the aid mission as one of the "clever diplomatic
and tactical ploys" employed by "Israel’s opponents."

The group suggested the Turkish Humanitarian Relief Foundation, which
was involved in the attempt to send aid to Gaza, should be listed as a
terrorist organization, and said it has "additional questions about
Turkey and any connections to Hamas."

Further, the senators declared their opposition to the UN's main human
rights organ, stating, "We also deplore the actions of the United
Nations Human Rights Council which, once again, singled out Israel."


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