On Tuesday 17 May 2005 09:35, Timothy Smith wrote:
> mate dont bugger around with all that. py2exe will make you a windows 
> native exe to run. and for updates you just need to update it's 
> library.zip.

py2exe is working great for me too. 

>> My app contains three different programs (say alice.py, bob.py, and
>> carol.py) that need to be independently launchable, and a dozen or
>> so other .py files that get imported into those first three

One tip: make sure your three top-level scripts are as empty as possible: just 
import some other module and call a function. All your active code is then in 
some library.zip shared between the three, and you need never change 
alice.exe, bob.exe, and carol.exe

> use NSIS for the installer, it can do anything you want an  
> it's free. it couldn't be more simple, shoot me an email if you
> need more 

Ive not used NSIS, but I have had good results from the free WiX tools, at 
http://sourceforge.net/projects/wix/. Documentation is poor, but examples are 

Toby Dickenson

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