> I didn't notice this level of angst when Python made equally significant
> changes going from 1.5 to 2.0... admittedly Python 1.5 code would work
> unchanged in 2.0, but the 2.x series introduced MUCH bigger additions to
> Python than anything 3.0 and 3.1 have added, and anyone taking advantage
> of those changes is implicitly writing code which is not backwards
> compatible.

Maybe the print statement is like the wart of Python. It maybe ugly, but it 
adds character. Could you imagine Lemmy lasered his?

Of course people are angsty that *their* Python might not be the same!

But I can relieve those who are: The interactive command line shell IPython 
delivers an autocompletion where parenthesis for _any_ function may be left 
out. Now, how does that sound? Ruby anyone? ;)



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