On Jun 27, 7:16 am, Thomas Jollans <tho...@jollans.com> wrote:

> Granted, some use print to emit warnings (aifc for example). This isn't
> perfectly clean, of course, but it's not used a whole lot either. Mostly
> rather old code too, I think.
> And some (abc for example) use print in what looks like internal
> diagnostics methods.

You sure are going to great lengths to protect Stephens assertion ;)

> That being said, Stephen's statement was very broad, but I think it's
> true: print is primarily used in small scripts, or script-like testing
> functions/methods.

No, Stephen's comments were NOT general in any way and they where in
fact very specific... "If you use the print statement/function you're
are a noob and your code is a toy". And i think there's and air of
"also you're beneath me" in the tone of it too.

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