geremy condra <> writes:

> On Sun, Jun 27, 2010 at 9:25 PM, John Bokma <> wrote:
>> geremy condra <> writes:
>>> On Sun, Jun 27, 2010 at 8:50 PM, Grant Edwards <inva...@invalid.invalid> 
>>> wrote:
>>>> On 2010-06-27, Benjamin Kaplan <> wrote:
>>>>>> It should be easier to have a large number of python versions on one
>>>>>> machine... ?I am realy fond of 2.5 so I am probily going to start
>>>>>> compiling them or just include the python2.5 exe if I port stuff and
>>>>>> settle it that way..
>>>>> You're on the only platform where it isn't that easy. All us *nix
>>>>> users have to do is compile it with the altinstall flag, and then use
>>>>> #!/usr/bin/env python25
>>>>> Windows uses the file extension instead of the shebang line to execute
>>>>> stuff, so it's harder for you to have multiple versions.
>>>> If you install a real shell on Windows, then the hash-bang line works
>>>> fine. :)
>>> Might as well spare yourself the trouble and install linux or *bsd. It's
>>> probably easier.
>> Ah, yeah, and then run all those Windows applications one requires on
>> Wine...
> If you're bound to a platform, use it. My advice is just to get bound to
> a platform that does what you need it to do, and in my experience it's
> quite a bit easier to teach linux to do what you wanted windows to do
> than the other way around.

I've used several operating systems over many years and each OS has its
own issues. I am currently using mostly Linux and it's far from the
flawless OS some people seem to think it is. While it's true that some
things are easier on OS A than on OS B changing your operating system
because one (minor) thing "doesn't work" is often not an option.

On top of that, I don't think it's that hard to make a small program
that one associates with .py files which checks the first line and feeds
the .py to the correct version of Python based on the information in the
aformentioned first line.

Another option (instead of installing a better shell) might be to make
several VMs, each with their own Python version. Run subversion (or any
other version control system) on your host, and you can test whatever
you want.

There are plenty of people who are very happy with coding under an MS
OS. I now and then miss those days :-).

John Bokma                                                               j3b

Hacking & Hiking in Mexico - - Perl & Python Development

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