In article <viavn.238$>,
Neil Hodgson  <> wrote:
>WANG Cong:
>> 4) Also, this will _somewhat_ violate the OOP princples, in OOP,
>> this is and should be implemented by inherence.
>   Most object oriented programming languages starting with Smalltalk
>have allowed adding attributes (addInstVarName) to classes at runtime.
>Low level OOPLs like C++ and Delphi did not implement this for
>efficiency reasons.

That reminds me of this quote:

"...some experts might say a C++ program is not object-oriented without
inheritance and virtual functions.  As one of the early Smalltalk
implementors myself, I can say they are full of themselves." --zconcept
Aahz (           <*>

"If you don't know what your program is supposed to do, you'd better not
start writing it."  --Dijkstra

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