On 6/28/10 9:10 AM, Victor Subervi wrote:
So I'm launching into a major rewrite of my shopping cart because I've
finally woken up to the challenge of injection attacks. One of my major
problems is that many column names are determined when the shopping cart
is built. For example, how many photos are to be uploaded is determined
that way, thus there will be a column such as "pic1" and another "pic2"
up as many as the client desires. Now, I guess I could cap that at, say,
9, and create as many columns,

Ah, you are now entering the realm of Normalization.

If you think a table requires a variable number of columns, you have designed the table incorrectly: no table needs a variable number of columns.

Basically, the crux of the matter is: a table does not need, and indeed often should not, contain every bit of detail about a certain product.

Let's say you have a basic product table: (The syntax on this may not be exactly MySQL-esque, so you'll have to look it up and/or adjust: I'm doing the SQL just as an example):

    product_sku  INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,
    product_name VARCHAR(200) NOT NULL,

    product_cost MONEY NOT NULL,
    product_description TEXT,


Etcetera. Here, in this table, you include everything that is general, generic, universal to your products.

A key important point: in no circumstance should the same piece of data ever be in two columns, or two tables at once (unless that piece of data is what's linking the two tables together-- a foreign key, but I won't go into that too much yet-- I don't even know if MySQL enforces relationships).

Now, you want to handle pictures? Okay, great, we do:

CREATE TABLE ProductPictures (
    product_sku  INTEGER NOT NULL,
    picture_num   INTEGER NOT NULL,

    picture_desc TEXT,
    picture_data IMAGE,

    PRIMARY KEY (product_sku, picture_id)

Now, you suddenly can have one picture per product: or a hundred. It doesn't matter anymore. If you want to get a list of all pictures for a product, you do:

SELECT picture_id, picture_desc, picture_data FROM ProductPictures WHERE product_sku = <sku> ORDER BY picture_id

(Also, notice that "product_sku" is the same name in every table, and that each table sort of has its own prefix? This is good practice. Even though "product_sku" in ProductPictures is in the pictures table, the value of that field is really a reference to a sku defined int he Products table).

Another point: you'll notice that in ProductPictures, the primary key is a composite of two fields. Picture_id's may be duplicated in this table, but the combination of (product_sku, picture_num) will always be unique.

but then there's the issue of creating
columns for all the different "mixins" that I add. For example, when the
shop is created, if it's a jewelry store, I automatically add columns
appropriate to the same (ring size, etc.). Now, I guess I could just
create a table with all those columns added in irrespective of what kind
of store it is, then hide those that aren't used when I print to screen
such things as product descriptions or the form the client uses to
upload his data, but that's inelegant. Any other suggestions?

It depends on just how generic you want this application to be. There's two approaches I've used: a pseudo-"inheritance' approach where I have a Product table which has the generic information, and then a SpecificKindOfProduct table which adds some columns: this I only use though in cases where I can basically pre-define the SpecificKinds, and I'm doing this for optimization purposes (ie, indexing and such).

So I might have like:

CREATE TABLE JewelryProduct (
    product_sku INTEGER NOT NULL,
    jewelry_ringsize INTEGER NOT NULL,


And such. But I only really do that if there's a finite set of 'types' of products the application is for (and in such cases, I *love* PostgreSQL's table inheritance stuff)

The other approach is to make a generic 'extra details' table, which looks basically like:

CREATE TABLE ProductDetails (
    product_sku   INTEGER NOT NULL,

    detail_key    VARCHAR (200) NOT NULL,
    detail_value  TEXT,

    PRIMARY KEY (product_sku, detail_key)

This is a very, very simple table, its basically a set of arbitrary key/value pairs for a given product-- its the SQL version of a dictionary for every product :) In fact, even when I do have SpecificKindOfProduct tables as I mention above, I usually have an 'extra stuff' table here-- for extra stuff, because certain things always come up that just need to be noted. But don't abuse such tables too much, because you can't index on them as well.

The one thing I wouldn't do is make a table with a bajillion columns that are hidden/optional depending on what kind of store it is. Better a 'master' table with some related smaller tables that may only be used for certain types of products.


   ... Stephen Hansen
   ... Also: Ixokai
   ... Mail: me+list/python (AT) ixokai (DOT) io
   ... Blog: http://meh.ixokai.io/


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