On 29 Jun, 05:11, Ryan Kelly <r...@rfk.id.au> wrote:

> Very interesting idea.  Will it work if accessed through ctypes?
>    ticker = ctypes.c_int.in_dll(ctypes.pythonapi,"_Py_Ticker")
>    ticker.value = 0x7fffffff
> Or does ctypes muck with the GIL in a way that would break this idea?

>>> ctypes.pythonapi
<PyDLL 'python dll', handle 1e000000 at 1ffead0>

It's a PyDLL, so it should not mock with the GIL.

from contextlib import contextmanager
import ctypes
_Py_Ticker = ctypes.c_int.in_dll(ctypes.pythonapi,"_Py_Ticker")

def atomic():
    tmp = _Py_Ticker.value
    _Py_Ticker.value = 0x7fffffff
    _Py_Ticker.value = tmp - 1

Now we can do

with atomic():
    # whatever

Just make sure we don't call extension code that releases the GIL :)


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