D'Arcy J.M. Cain a écrit :
On Thu, 01 Jul 2010 14:07:27 +0200
Bruno Desthuilliers <bruno.42.desthuilli...@websiteburo.invalid> wrote:
And AFAICT you're wrong. I read and post to c.l.py using my newsreader (so NOT going thru GG), and my personal address is @gmail.com.


From: Bruno Desthuilliers <bruno.42.desthuilli...@websiteburo.invalid>

Sorry, there's a missing "sometimes" between "I" and "read" !-)
Posting from office now.

mmmm... Thinking again : I'm not sure the account I use to access usenet from home is a @gmail.com one neither. I'll check this out.

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