In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
 Robert Kern <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> You could learn to use vim or emacs, both of which come with Tiger. They 
> also have somewhat more Aqua-friendly GUI versions lurking around. I'm 
> partial to vim, myself.
> PyOXIDE might be a good choice for you.
> I'm told Xcode does a tolerable job with Python.
> There are other IDEs floating around. Searching the PythonMac-SIG 
> mailing list archives should show you past discussions about them and 
> how well they work on OS X.

TextWrangler or BBEdit (it's bigger brother) can be used, too.  Both are 
nice GUI editors.

-- Lou Pecora  (my views are my own) REMOVE THIS to email me.

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