Wolfram Hinderer wrote:
On 7 Jul., 19:32, Ethan Furman <et...@stoneleaf.us> wrote:

Nobody wrote:

On Wed, 07 Jul 2010 15:08:07 +0200, Thomas Jollans wrote:

you should never rely on a floating-point number to have exactly a
certain value.

"Never" is an overstatement. There are situations where you can rely
upon a floating-point number having exactly a certain value.

It's not much of an overstatement.  How many areas are there where you
need the number

If I'm looking for 0.1, I will *never* (except by accident ;) say

if var == 0.1:

it'll either be <= or >=.

The following is an implementation of a well-known algorithm.
Why would you want to replace the floating point comparisons? With

<snip code>

Interesting. I knew when I posted my above comment that I was ignoring such situations. I cannot comment on the code itself as I am unaware of the algorithm, and haven't studied numbers extensively (although I do find them very interesting).

So while you've made your point, I believe mine still stands -- comparing floats using == to absolute numbers is almost always a mistake.


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