from SQLAlchemy docs (
create_engine() URL Arguments

SQLAlchemy indicates the source of an Engine strictly via RFC-1738
style URLs, combined with optional keyword arguments to specify
options for the Engine. The form of the URL is:

Dialect names include the identifying name of the SQLAlchemy dialect
which include sqlite, mysql, postgresql, oracle, mssql, and firebird.
The drivername is the name of the DBAPI to be used to connect to the
database using all lowercase letters. If not specified, a “default”
DBAPI will be imported if available - this default is typically the
most widely known driver available for that backend (i.e. cx_oracle,
pysqlite/sqlite3, psycopg2, mysqldb).

are you sure that is your mysql server?
or are you missing port? usually its 3306. AFAIK


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