Thomas Jollans <> writes:

> On 07/11/2010 07:44 AM, rantingrick wrote:
>> On Jul 10, 10:59 pm, Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
>> <> wrote:
>>> source at:
>>> $ python (note the lack of "python1.5" or "python2.4")
>>> conversion of the 80 or so regex's to re has been carried out.
>>> entirely successfully or not is a matter yet to be determined.  always
>>> a hoot to try browsing
>>> with a browser from 11+ years ago, it still cannot be resisted as
>>> grail is the only working graphical web browser in the world written
>>> in pure python [pybrowser is still in development, stalled].
>>> l.
>> Congratulations on this effort Luke. However you know what project i
>> would really like to see the community get around? ...dramatic pause
>> here... a cross platform Python file browser! Yes i know there are
>> tons of them out there already and Python is a bit slow, but i think
>> it would be useful to many peoples.
> Cross platform file manager. Hmm. Does "cross platform" involve UNIX and
> something that isn't UNIX, say, Windows?
> Erm, no. No, no, no. It won't work. Well, it would work, but it wouldn't
> be any good. The UNIX and Windows concepts of "file system" are similar
> enough for most programs not to care too much, but for something like a
> file manager, that works intimately with the file system, trying to
> support both UNIX and Windows is NOT a good idea.

Can't think of why not. Of course not all operations are shared by each
OS, but /I/ know that I can't do chmod on Windows. But it doesn't mean
that on Windows I can't make a file only readable by me. Just give me
the Windows security options on Windows, and chmod on *nix and I would
be very happy. Especially if all can be done via a context menu a la

John Bokma                                                               j3b

Hacking & Hiking in Mexico - - Perl & Python Development

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