
After reading 'Practical Django Projects' I decided that I want to
implement the VirtualEnv tip suggested in order to properly segregate
code/modules in different projects. I am however having problems with
my django installations not using site-packages within the virtualenv
but rather attempting to use site-packages in the default python
installation directory.

Recreating the problem:

1) Install Python 2.7 via the Windows installer. Add C:/Python27;C:/
Python27/Scripts to Windows PATH.
2) Install setuptools-0.6c11-py2.7.egg via the Windows installer.
3) Install VirtualEnv through `pip install virtualenv`
4) Create an VirtualEnv via `virtualenv --no-site-packages MyEnvName`
5) Activate VirtualEnv via `../MyEnvName/Scripts/activate.bat`
6) Install django via `pip install django`
7) Run django-admin.py startproject ProjectName
8) Error results stating django.core module does not exist.

NB: This error will not occur if django is installed in your root
NB2: Running the Python interpreter in active VirtualEnv to print the
sys.path shows the correct paths. Which has just futher added to my

I'd appreciate any insight or troubleshooting assistance.



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