On 2010-07-11, Thomas Jollans <tho...@jollans.com> wrote:
> On 07/11/2010 08:45 PM, wheres pythonmonks wrote:

>> On #3: Sorry this is confusing, but I was browsing some struct array
>> code from numpy, in which one of the columns contained strings, but
>> the type information, supplied in numpy.array's dtype argument,
>> specified the type as a an "object" not a string.

A string is an object.

>> Just wondering why one would do that.
> No expert on numpy, but maybe storing object references is cheaper than
> storing strings here ?

Strings are objects.

IIRC, numpy has special homogeneous array types to hold certain scalar
values: byte, int, float, complex.  Those special array types allow
for very efficient storage and operations.

If you want an array of any other type, or a heterogeneous array, then
you use an array of objects and then you can put anything into the
array (including strings).

Grant Edwards               grant.b.edwards        Yow! The PINK SOCKS were
                                  at               ORIGINALLY from 1952!!
                              gmail.com            But they went to MARS
                                                   around 1953!!

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