On 11 Jul, 17:39, Ritchy lelis <ritchy_g...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> On 11 jul, 13:28, Johan Grönqvist <johan.gronqv...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > 2010-07-11 02:12, Ritchy lelis skrev:
> > > On 7 jul, 08:38, Johan Grönqvist<johan.gronqv...@gmail.com>  wrote:
> > > About the plot draw it's a curve that it's a set of points wich it's
> > > the result of the comput of the Vref and Vi together. I don't know if
> > > i had to make a break instruction (like in other's languages) after
> > > the "If" instructions if i want the else-condition to be executed? ...
> > > (do you have some sujestions?)
> > I would have expected a code structure similar to this:
> > (NOTE: This is a very inefficient solution, and not the one suggested
> > earlier, but it is closer to the code snippet you posted originally, and
> > it does produce a plot.)
> > ----------------------
> > import numpy as np
> > import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
> > Vref = np.linspace(1,20, 100)
> > Vi = np.linspace(1,10,100)
> > for ref in Vref: # Loop over Vref and Vi
> >      for i in Vi:
> >          if  i > ref/4: # Compute V0
> >              V0 = 2*i-ref
> >          elif (-ref/4) <= ref and ref <= ref/4:
> >              V0 = 2*i
> >          elif i < -ref/4:
> >              V0 = 2*i+ref
> >          plt.plot(i, V0, ".") # Plot one single point at x = i, y = V0
> > plt.show() # Display the plot in a window
> > ----------------------
> > > Anyway i have a picture of a tuturial that i found but in this forum i
> > > can't post it. That pic would show what a really want...
> > Can you give a link?
> > > Relatively to the axis, the Vi takes the x-axis and the Vref takes the
> > > y-axis.
> > To me this sound like you want to make a 3D-plot, as there is the
> > x-axis, the y-axis, and V0. Is this correct? Is V0 on a z-axis?
> > > As i said, i have a good 2 pic of a doc that has the information about
> > > this ADC that i'm developing.
> > I looked on wikipedia
> > <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Analog-to-digital_converter>, and saw some
> > figures. Is any of those similar to what you look for?
> > I see that they have (Vi - Vref) on the x-axis, and the computed value
> > on the y-axis.
> > Regards
> > Johan
> Hi
> Yes those fig look's familiar to me but for now the objective its to
> get that residue transfer function (1.5-Bit-Per-Stage Pipelined ADC).
> I found inhttp://amesp02.tamu.edu/~sanchez/ADC-pipeline_lecture.PDF
> there are some fig and explanations on page's 9-13. Can you take a
> look there please?
> Also you can take a look inhttp://www.maxim-ic.com/app-notes/index.mvp/id/1023
> (I think there it´s more information than the first link i gave you).
> I'll be waiting for sujestions.
> Thank's- Ocultar texto citado -
> - Mostrar texto citado -


This is how looks like the flash residue transference function that i
was talking about...


I'm suposed to obtain a figure like that in my plot.

Somebody help me please.


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