Daniel Fetchinson, 16.07.2010 17:29:
I'm pleased to announce the release of inflect.py v0.1.8, a module that
correctly generates:

* the plural of singular nouns and verbs
* the singular of plural nouns
* ordinals
* indefinite articles
* present participles
* and converts numbers to words

Which languages does it support? If the answer is what I expect it is,

It is. Most of the time, when people forget to say what they are talking
about, assuming that they are either US-Americans or Windows users will
hit the nail on the head.

And most of the time, when people are bitching about US-Americans,
assuming that they are Europeans will hit the nail on the head :)

In this case, I actually should modify the above to: when people are
bitching about an English speaker they don't like for some reason and
they automatically think that said person must be US-American when in
fact he/she is Australian (or British or South African or something
else), assuming that they are Europeans will hit the nail on the head

:) I'm happy to see that the good old clichés still work in all directions. Makes the world so easy.



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