I don't see anything listed that would eliminate Python.  You
may want to take a quick look at some of the rather large
applications that have been done with Zope (written in Python).
Zope might even be a good application platform to build upon
(can't say for sure, not enough detail about application).
Even if you don't want to use all of Zope the ZODB is a well
tested persistent Python object store that might prove

There are many other projects supporting WAY more than 200
users that are written in Python.

-Larry Bates

john67 wrote:
> The company I work for is about to embark on developing a commercial
> application that will cost us tens-of-millions to develop.  When all is
> said and done it will have thousands of  business objects/classes, some
> of which will have hundreds-of-thousands of instances stored in a DB.
> Our clients will probably have somewhere between 50-200 users working
> on the app during the day, possibly in mutiple offices, and then a
> large number of batch processes will have to run each night.  It will
> also need to have a web interface for certain users.  It needs to be
> robust, easy to maintain, and able to be customized for each client.
> Right now it looks like Java is the language of choice that the app
> will be developed in. However, I have been looking and reading a lot
> about Python recently and it seems to me that Python could handle it.
> The big attraction to me is the developer productivity.  It seems that
> if Python can handle it, then we could gain a huge savings by using
> Python instead of Java from a productivity standpoint alone.
> So, given the very general requirements in the first paragraph, do you
> think that Python could handle it?  If anyone has direct experience
> developing large apps in Python, I would appreciate your insight.
> Based on the responses I get, I am planning on writing a proposal to my
> management to consider Python instead of Java.
> Thanks,
> John

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