my script worked well until today : when I tried to launch it, I got the 
following :

     frame = MyFrame(None,-1,"Geometrie",size=wx.Size(600,400))
   File "/home/nico/Desktop/wxGeometrie/version 0.73/geometrie.py", line 
74, in __init__
     self.commande.Bind(wx.EVT_CHAR, self.EvtChar)
AttributeError: wxTextCtrl instance has no attribute 'Bind'

(self.commande is a wxTextCtrl instance)
I don't understand : why did wxTextCtrl lost its Bind attribute ??
As there's not so much changes on my computer since yesterday, I suppose 
this is due to Boa package installation on my Ubuntu Hoary ?
Does Boa installation changes wxpython version ?
Is wxTextCtrl attribute .Bind() obsolete ??


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