I know what Thermite (TM) is, and I didn't even googol it. > Whats the qualification of you a faceless, spooooky bustard ? unlike > HONORABLE Professor Dr Steven Jones, who sacrificed his job and career > at BYU - Brigham Young University . Whats your sacrifice to show your > conviction from your ODIOUS and PUTRID mouth ?
thus: if the entagnlement of two Newtonian rocks o'light, could traansmit information, then it would be some thing, but they are actually nor photons per se. thus: more folks should know about this quantumization! > I no longer accept redshift as a Doppler motion and > that would have huge consequence to a Tifft quantization. --BP's next bailout of Wall St. and "the City" (of London, gated community & financial district), or the last, if nothing is left of the USA. http://tarpley.net/online-books/george-bush-the-unauthorized-biography/chapter-8-the-permian-basin -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list