On 2005-05-18, Luis P. Mendes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I have a 1000 line python script that takes many hours to
> finish.  It is running with six inside 'for' loops.


> How can I dramatically improve speed?

In probably order of efficacy:

 1) Use a better algorithm

 2) Replace 'for' loops with vector operations or list

 3) Install more RAM

 4) Install a faster disk drive
 5) Use a faster CPU

 6) Rent DVDs to watch while program is running. 

Before you do anything, you should profile your program to see
where the time is being spent.
Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow!  Hand me a pair of
                                  at               leather pants and a CASIO
                               visi.com            keyboard -- I'm living
                                                   for today!

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