On 07/25/2010 05:41 PM, Karsten Wutzke wrote:
> What's wrong with:
> class Enum(RootFragment):
>     __jpaTypes = {
>         # complete!
>         'CascadeType': Enum("javax.persistence.CascadeType"),
>         'DiscriminatorType':
> Enum("javax.persistence.DiscriminatorType"),
>         'EnumType': Enum("javax.persistence.EnumType"),
>         'FetchType': Enum("javax.persistence.FetchType"),
>         'FlushModeType': Enum("javax.persistence.FlushModeType"),
>         'GenerationType': Enum("javax.persistence.GenerationType"),
>         'InheritanceType': Enum("javax.persistence.InheritanceType"),
>         'LockModeType': Enum("javax.persistence.LockModeType"),
>         'PersistenceContextType':
> Enum("javax.persistence.PersistenceContextType"),
>         'TemporalType': Enum("javax.persistence.TemporalType"),
>     }
>     # constructor
>     def __init__(self, package, modifiers, name, superInterfaces = [],
>                  annotations = [], innerClasses = [], properties = [],
> methods = []):
>         RootFragment.__init__(self, packageName, modifiers, "enum",
> name, superInterfaces, annotations, innerClasses, properties, methods)
> ?
> I get
>     'CascadeType': Enum("javax.persistence.CascadeType"),
> NameError: name 'Enum' is not defined

well, within the class statement, it's not defined. So you can't call
Enum yet.

You have to create your dict somewhere else. You can either set it from

class Enum(RootFragment):

Enum._jpaTypes = { ... }

Or, do exactly the same thing, but within a class method:

class Enum(bla):
    def contruct_jpatypes(cls):
        cls.__jpaTypes = { ... }


> What's wrong with calling a constructor in a dict initializer? How do
> I solve this?
> Karsten


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