I personally prefer to be slightly excessive in the amount of spacing
I used, especially when parentheses are involved.

In no way do I assert that my code style is right for all situations,
but here are a few examples of my personal style.
myTuple = ( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 )    # Comment about what this tuple will
conceptually represent or store.

myTuple2 = ( 1, 2, 3*myFunc(4), 4*myFunc2( "text arg" ), )   # Yes, I
leave the tailing comma for spacing and to remind myself it is a

textFieldWidth = 80 / numFields     # Balance width of fields

fileObject.write( "My text goes here.  Value of some function = " +
str( someFunc( argList ) ) )  # Write out results.
Combining my code style with the parenthesis/brace/bracket
highlighting feature of Vi/Vim makes it easy for me to figure out if I
have closed all braces, and additionally what is the context in which
I am nesting functions or arguments.

Again, this is just my preference, but it emerged over time after many
hours of development and debugging on remote machines where only a
terminal environment and a text-based editor are available.

Even in my comments, in which I _strongly_ believe in a minimum of 1
comment line per 3 code lines (1:3) though I often code 1:2 or 1:1, I
use the parenthesis style above.
# The true positive rate of an experiment is calculated as: TPR = [ TP
/ ( TP + FN ) ]  .

Just food for thought.

J.B. Brown
Kyoto University

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