Lawrence D'Oliveiro <l...@geek-central.gen.new_zealand> writes:

>>> What I don’t like is having that intermediate variable L leftover after
>>> the computation.
>> Well, it also guarantees that the square root is computed once.
> OK, this version should solve that problem, without requiring any new 
> language features:
>     V = tuple \
>       (
>             x
>         /
>             l
>        for x in V
>        for l in
>            (math.sqrt(reduce(lambda a, b : a + b, (y * y for y in V), 0)),)
>       )

You got the order wrong (it has to be for l ... for x ...)

You're kind of lucky here, because the arglist to tuple() provides a
scope that hides x and l. Be careful if you ever change tuple(...) to
[...], because x and l would leak to the outer scope (with python 2.*).
In the general case

for L in [...some-expr...]:
    ... whatever

doesn't hide L. Python doesn't provide a "let" construct (à la Lisp or

-- Alain.

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