On Aug 2, 3:12 pm, Chris Hare <ch...@labr.net> wrote:
> Thanks to everyone for answering my question.  I think its clear now.  I'll 
> just go the "stuff 'em in a module and import that" route.

Chris, first of all i want you to know that this message is not meant
to offend but it may offend you -- hopefully your a rational person
and can deal with criticism.

This code is horrible. What are you trying to do exactly? Is this
purely academic or are you actually using this code for a real
purpose? The "Net" class looks like a dialog. Are you wishing to
create a dialog? If so, then you would be better off subclassing
tkSimpleDialog.Dialog instead of rolling your own. Please explain what
you are trying to do from a users perspective so we can properly guide

Also you should use 4 space indention and never use tabs. This is the
accepted way. Although Python does allow freedom i would suggest that
coding in a uniformly accepted manner is more productive for the
entire community. Google "Python Style Guide" for more info.


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