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> This is the most important question of your life.
> The question is: Are you saved?
> It is not a question of how good you are, nor if you
> are a church member, but are you saved?
> Are you sure you will go to Heaven when you die?
> The reason some people don't know for sure if they are
> going to Heaven when they die is because they just
> don't know.
> The good news is that you can know for sure that you
> are going to Heaven.
> The Holy Bible describes Heaven as a beautiful place
> with no death, sorrow, sickness or pain.
> God tells us in the Holy Bible how simple it is to be
> saved so that we can live forever with Him in Heaven.
> "For if you confess with your mouth Jesus is Lord and
> believe in your heart that God raised Him from the
> dead, you will be saved." (Romans 10:9)
> Over 2000 years ago God came from Heaven to earth in
> the person of Jesus Christ to shed His blood and die
>  on a cross to pay our sin debt in full.
> Jesus Christ was born in Israel supernaturally to a
> virgin Jewish woman named Mary and lived a sinless
> life for thirty-three years.
> At the age of thirty-three Jesus was scourged and
> had a crown of thorns pressed onto His head then
> Jesus was crucified.
> Three days after Jesus died on a cross and was placed
> in a grave Jesus rose from the dead as Jesus said
> would happen before Jesus died.
> If someone tells you that they are going to die
> and then three days later come back to life and it
> actually happens then this person must be the real deal.
> Jesus Christ is the only person that ever lived a
> perfect sinless life.
> This is why Jesus is able to cover our sins(misdeeds)
> with His own blood because Jesus is sinless.
> The Holy Bible says, "In Him(Jesus) we have redemption
> through His blood, the forgiveness of sins..."
> (Ephesians 1:7)
> If you would like God to forgive you of your past,
> present and future sins just ask Jesus Christ to be
> your Lord and Saviour.
> It doesn't matter how old you are or how many bad things
> that you have done in your life including lying and
> stealing all the way up to murder.
> Just pray the prayer below with your mouth and mean it
> from your heart and God will hear you and save you.
> Dear Jesus Christ, I want to be saved so that I can have
> a home in Heaven with You when I die. I agree with You
> that I am a sinner. I believe that You love me and want
> to save me. I believe that You bled and died on the cross
> to pay the penalty for my sins and that You rose from the
> dead. Please forgive my sins and come into my heart and
> be my Lord and Saviour. Thanks Lord Jesus Christ for
> forgiving me and saving me through Your merciful grace.
> Amen.
> Welcome to the family of God if you just allowed God
> to save you.
> Now you are a real Christian and you can know for sure
> that you will live in Heaven forever when this life
> comes to an end.
> As a child of God we are to avoid sin(wrongdoing), but
> if you do sin the Holy Bible says, "My dear children,
> I write this to you so that you will not sin. But if
> anybody does sin, we have one who speaks to the Father
> in our defense Jesus Christ, the Righteous One."
> Those of you that have not yet decided to place your
> trust in the Lord Jesus Christ may never get another
> chance to do so because you do not know when you will die.
> Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth and the life: no one
> can come to the Father(God)(in Heaven), but by me."
> (John 14:6)
> This means that if you die without trusting in Jesus Christ
> as your Lord and Saviour you will die in your sins and be
> forever separated from the love of God in a place called Hell.
> The Holy Bible descibes Hell as a place of eternal
> torment, suffering, pain and agony for all those who
> have rejected Jesus Christ.
> The good news is that you can avoid Hell by allowing
> Jesus Christ to save you today. Only then will you
> have true peace in your life knowing that no matter
> what happens you are on your way to Heaven.
> Praise the Lord!
> Servant of the Lord Jesus Christ
> Ronald L. Grossi
> * Show this to your family and friends so they can also be saved.
> * This message may get deleted so you may want to print a copy.
> * Just press the [Ctrl][P] keys on your keyboard to print this page.
> ____________________________________________________________
> [Please Visit These Excellent Websites]
> Free Jesus Videos
> http://www.jesusvideo.org/videos/index.php
> Free Lovely Video
> http://fathersloveletter.com/fllpreviewlarge.html
> Free Movie: To Hell and Back
> http://www.tbn.org/index.php/8/1.html
> Other Languages
> http://www.godssimpleplan.org/gsps.html
> The Passion Of The Christ
> http://www.thepassionofthechrist.com
> Beware Of Cults
> http://www.carm.org/cults/cult_list.htm
> About Hell
> http://www.equip.org/free/DH198.htm
> Is Jesus God?
> http://www.powertochange.com/questions/qna2.html
> Free Online Bible
> http://www.biblegateway.com


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