On Tue, 3 Aug 2010 10:28:49 +0100
Alan Wilter Sousa da Silva <awil...@ebi.ac.uk> wrote:
> Now with python3.1:
> ----------------------------------------------------
> time python3.1 timout.py
> PID: 27687
> Timed out! Process 27687 killed, max exec time (5s) exceeded
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "timout.py", line 23, in <module>
>     out = str( p.communicate()[0].decode() )
>   File "/sw/lib/python3.1/subprocess.py", line 719, in communicate
>     stdout = self.stdout.read()
>   File "timout.py", line 9, in signal_handler
>     raise Exception( "Taking too long to finish... aborting!" )
> Exception: Taking too long to finish... aborting!
> python3.1 timout.py  0.52s user 3.88s system 19% cpu 22.841 total
> #### It prints essentially the same thing with a *very* *big* difference it
> takes 22 seconds and actually the alarm only works when the whole task
> ('find /') is finished.

This seems to be a bug. Can you report it at http://bugs.python.org ?




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