
i get the following error when trying to set data in the cache of a django
application. The error is however a python error as it involves pickling and i 
reproduce it in a shell.
The error i get is this:
cPickle.PicklingError: Can't pickle <class 'management.views.Stats'>: attribute 
lookup management.views.Stats failed

Stats is a class i use to hold a couple of values, a string (user) and a number 
that are then used in a template. These are pickable, right?
The data i want to pickle is the return value of this function:

def calc_stats_topcallers():
    stats_all = {}
    # cPickle doesn't like this class
    class Stats(object):
        def __init__(self):
            self.calls = None
            self.user = None
    current_year = datetime.datetime.now().year
    archive_year = current_year - 4
    years = xrange(archive_year, current_year+1)
    for year in years:
        stats_year = []
        counts = {}
        # Initialize count dict
        # If we don't do this, we get a KeyError
        for user in User.objects.all():
        # Count the times an initiator has been calling
        for i in Call.objects.filter(date_created__year=year):
            for _init in i.initiator.all():
                counts[_init] += 1
        # Sort the dictionary
        count_sorted = sorted(counts.items(), lambda x, y: cmp(x[1], y[1]), 
        # Take top 30 callers
        for user_stat in count_sorted[0:30]:
            if ( user_stat[1] > 0 ):
                st = Stats()
                st.calls = user_stat[1]
                st.user = user_stat[0]
    stats_sorted = sorted(stats_all.items(), lambda x, y: cmp(x[0], y[0]), 
    return stats_sorted

When i run the function and pickle the data using a python shell, i get the 

How do i solve this as i haven't got a clue.



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