On Wed, 04 Aug 2010 19:28:48 +0100, Steve Ferg <steve.ferg.bitbuc...@gmail.com> wrote:

Seriously, we can't keep doing your thinking for you.  The answers
to all your questions are section 9 of the tutorial.

This is is just the kind of newbie-hostile smart-ass reply that we do
not want to see on comp.lang.python.

Let's try again:

I think that the answers to all your questions are section 9 of the

Why don't you take a look at it, and then come back again if you still
have questions.

With Peng Yu, we've been through that quite a lot.  It seemed time to
be a little sharper in the hope that learning might emerge.

Rhodri James *-* Wildebeest Herder to the Masses

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